编辑:中国反垄断反不正当竞争律师网 来源:冯江
1. Factiva CI Center http://www.factiva.com/
A Dow Jones & Reuters company that provides business information via articles from more than 8,000 sources worldwide;
2. Manning & Napier Information Services http://www.mnis.net/
Several innovative information services, including DR-Link, a natural language search system with visualization capabilities, and MAP-IT, a patent data mining system;
3. New York Society of Security Analysts http://www.nyssa.org/
A forum for the exchange of investment information in the U.S which includes listings of NYSSA's seminars and corporate presentation luncheon meetings;
4. Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals http://www.scip.org/
Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals homepage, featuring SCIP publications, electronic discussion groups, expert/speaker database, events calendar and information about the organization (美国竞争情报专家协会);
5. Sookoo http://www.sookoo.com/
This site is a business strategy information directory and search engine. Featured are categories such as competitive intelligence, journals, management news, executive education and "big thinkers" (Michael Porter, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Gary Hamel);
6. Strategis http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/ (关注全球市场)
From the Canadian Federal government, this site offers a nice overview of CI tools and links. In English and French;
7. Verity http://www.verity.com/
Company that offers search and retrieval applications for enterprise-wide products (including Intranets);